Yup, she's out of her oral surgery and doing well. Not much more to say than that... she's doing fine and we'll be making our very big decision on where we're moving to by Monday.
For those who haven't heard, we have two official job offers: one in Washington DC and one in Yokosuka, Japan. Both are senior management positions, both are excellent career opportunities, both have their plusses and minuses. For Japan there is the experience of a lifetime, the chance to learn a new language and culture, more waterfront management experience, and the challenge of tackling a high-profile objective and making or breaking a career on the rocks of success or failure. But Japan is a three year minimum tour and that means not seeing friends or family for a very long time. DC offers the allure of our Nation's capital, the excitement of corporate headquarters and the career opportunities in budgeting and finance, the ability to rapidly rise amongst the ranks, and the better path toward the top echelon of management. But DC is much more expensive and would require Lilah to work instead of focusing on a family and maybe an advanced degree.
As I've told everyone I've talked to about this: there is no easy choice or decision... if there were, it would have already been made. We're up against a deadline for the Japan offer and that means making our decision by Monday.
I guess you'll know when we do.