Monday, November 06, 2006

The Official Holiday Plan

Thanks Giving will be spent in Texas with a trip up to Oklahoma. In order for this to happen, I will be leaving Washington DC on the afternoon of Thursday Nov 16th and arriving late in the evening in Seattle. Me and the Missus will be getting a hotel in SEATAC to save a couple hours of travel time and ... snuggle. We fly out 8am on Friday and arrive in Dallas at 2pm in the afternoon. We then have to drive to the Avis Car Rental place at 15804 Addison Rd in Dallas. That a 20 mile drive, but it was a saving of over $100 compared to the airport so that's that.

Our current plan is to leave on Monday for Chickasha and stay Monday and Tuesday and either come back Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning to Farmer's Branch. On the return trip we leave Saturday afternoon at 2:43 pm (but we can drop the rental car off at the Airport without penalty) and arrive back in Seattle at just after 5pm, where again we will be staying in a hotel vice heading to the house because I have to be up for an early morning flight back to DC on Sunday.

For Christmas we're flying mom (Troxel) up for the week of the 22nd through the 29th. I'm supposed to fly back from DC to Washington on the same day, so we'll car pool it to the house. That doesn't leave a whole lot of time for cutting of the tree, setting it up, decorating, cooking, etc. but them's the breaks.

My lovely wife has expressed interest in doing a three day dog show in San Franciso for New Years, and that has kind of caught my attention. I know Calla had a weak season this year, but I think that was more because of my lack of grooming experience than her not being a great dog. I'm going to have to give Barb a call and see what she thinks, but that might be our plan for the new year. I still need to get firm dates to make sure we can get there and back in time, but it sounds neat.

So, that just leaves Veterans day this Friday. Hey Pattie! What cha doing this weekend? Is it snowing there yet? Want company?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sure - if you like sun and sand- I packed my dive gear- how awesome is that- woooooohoooo- sand between my toes and warm salt spray in my hair. Right where I belong!No wonder I was starting to flounder, my gills haven't been wet in ages.
Aunt Patti