Friday, September 14, 2007

My Best Friend is a Moron

So I've been a terrible blogger; besides the obvious lack of posting, I've not even been polite enough to keep rigorous tabs on the blogs of my friends. Of course we're all busy. I know I'm busy: There's that whole transition out of one household into another, the wedding in Texas (pictures to follow when the wife's computer gets here), Mock Avail II with 30+ visitors from the States all demanding my time, and oh yeah, Lilah arrives today.

Well, she was supposed to arrive yesterday, and that's an entire ordeal that I wish she hadn't needed to put up with. Seems the AMC flights are much more conservative on when they'll fly in weather conditions, to the extremity of not flying at all if there is a Typhoon warning. Now, I'll be the first to admit, Typhoons and planes shouldn't mix, unless you're one of those crazy guys in a military plane with a flying saucer on top and it's your job to fly into the heart of the storm to have your story told on the Discovery Channel. That said, the Pacific Ocean is quite large. Japan is quite large; well, at least it's very long. And if there is a Typhoon in the area, it is quite possible to fly around it. When there's not even a Typhoon, only a chance... a warning of the potential for there to possibly be a maybe Typhoon... well, I'd expect you'd fly anyway. Not the AMC.

Nope. After requiring that Lilah arrive 6 hours prior to her 9 am departure (do the math and then figure in extra time to transport to the Airport from her SEATAC Hotel while managing the dog and her luggage.) ...after requiring Lilah to get there and wait around the airport untl they canceled the flight at T minus two hours, she then had to wait for another 4 hours to get her complimentary hotel room. All I can say is that she is a Saint, because I'd probably be in a straight jacket by now.

The best friend I'm referring to decided to get back with his ex with the three kids. I just don't get why he wants to throw his life away...

Sorry for the delay in posting. I'll promise to think about trying to post more often. With Pictures. Oh, and the picture above is from Charlie and Melinda's back yard! A giant of a spider that Melinda called a "Name Writer"; as big as this guy was he could have been called Sir, or at the very least Mister. I'm not sure that the perspective is such to show that this guy was the size of about 3 of my fingers. NOT that I got my hand close enough to verify that! I get the heebee geebees just thinking of how close I had to get to take this photo with my wife's camera. Click on the photo for the high rez version.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Itsy bitsy spider climbed up Melinda's fence,
Along came a gaint with a camera lens,
Flashing pictures for the family blog,
Catching every wink and nog,
The spider was on his "website",
When the picture was taken,
He held on tight,
Cause just like the spider we all hate it when the "website" goes down. Love, Silly Aunt Liz