Saturday, March 15, 2008

Don't Be a Hater

It should be no surprise that I'm not a big fan of McCain. I still think that the Republican ticket would be a lot better off without him as the focal point... which is why I was pleasantly surprised to hear that there is a movement afoot to put a much more palatable face side by side on the 2008 ticket: Condoleezza Rice.

There might just be hope for the McCain ticket, after all. He certainly won't find a better qualified, more intelligent running mate. And at the very least, he will she will get my vote.



Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you on Condi, she is such a strong intelligent person and a great person to sit and talk with! She grew up in Denver and went to all the same schools as my mother-in-law! Although she has told everyone close to her that she would never run for an office, all that know and love her are still holding their breathes!

Anonymous said...

Hmm...maybe Condi is right, it's time for some new blood. What do you think?