Monday, March 12, 2007

It's a Boy!

So, it's been forever since last we posted about anything concerning the family. Well, we have a new addition! This is Chase. Technically and officially, his name is Snowtaire's Oliver with a Twist, but that's kind of a mouthfull, and he seems happy enough to go by Chase.

Thomas and Chase are fast buddies. No really, Chase and Thomas get along great. Never a single growl or hiss or anything from the day they met. Of course, Thomas might have thought he'd been hitting the kat knipp a wee bit too hard the first night Chase came home. Upon study, it's easy to tell the difference between the two, but at first glance even the best of us would think we were seeing double.

Chase and Calla took a little longer warming up to each other. Chase didn't take long establishing his dominance, even though it was a very polite establishment, there's no doubt that he's calling the shots. And things are good. The two of them share a kennel during the day and a crate at night and it's been a very good time for all.

So, Chase is a late addition to the Troxel family. And, of course by now most of you know we're heading to Japan. Getting Chase and Calla there is a bit of a shindigg. In order to get them into the country we have to have them micro-chipped with a special Euro-chip, vaccinated for Rabies again, and then the big step is to keep them in the country of departure (that's the US) for 6 months before they can can leave for Japan. In order to accomplish this, Lilah will be trailing behind me by about 4 to 5 months. If that sounds crummy, you're right: it is. But, it does give us an opportunity for me to get us a house and a car in Japan so that by the time Lilah and the Furry Fam get there it will be a turn key transition.

Speaking of Japan, I just got back. SO if you're wondering why I haven't blogged or called or stopped by to say hi, it's because I wasn't here. Jet lag has really taken its toll on me this go around, but other than that, a pretty enjoyable trip. And at least I didn't get sick this time!

Okay, here's some more pictures.


Anonymous said...

Yea!Another Grandpuppy.What a beautiful pair.

Hugs & Kisses
Grandma Marti

ashejen said...

Oh my - how cute...