Friday, November 09, 2007

Archaic Nonsense in a Digital Age

If I inquired as to the last time someone asked you for your social security number you might very well answer today or yesterday, or maybe 20 minutes ago. More than half my financial life revolves around my social security number, from the paycheck the government sends me every other week, to the stocks I invest in, to a verification for a lost password, checking into a hospital, applying for credit, accessing my student loans, anything tax related... it seems I'm giving this nine digit number just as often as I do my own phone number.

But having been recently posed the question of providing a copy of my social security card, I started thinking that I can't remember the last time some made such a request. In fact, it had been so long since someone asked that I had to respond by saying that I honestly don't know exactly where my Social Security Card is. I mean, come on....for reals? You want to see my social security card? Just giving you the number isn't enough? You're a condo association and you demand to see my card?!?

This is an antiquated relic of the Roosevelt administration from 1935... Of course they used a card--THEY DIDN'T HAVE COMPUTERS! Or TV for that matter. But here in the future, attaching a social security number to a blue business card that I'm not allowed to carry in my wallet and I'm not allowed to laminate is laughable. Forcing me to produce it on demand is downright demeaning. Why not just tattoo it on my skin Auschwitz style?

Maybe Mr. Mike Astrue can update the system?
Complaint Form

Or, if you're a little more old Fashioned:
Michael J. Astrue
Commissioner Social Security Administration
6401 Security Blvd.Baltimore, MD 21235-0001

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know exactly where BOTH of mine are.

I had to provide my SS card for both of my HRs to copy for my last two jobs. So there!
