Sunday, November 25, 2007

Chuck is Brilliant!

Mind you, my best friend Charles, also known as Chuck (well, at least to me), is in fact quite the mentalite sporting not one but two* degrees [and yes, I know I called him a moron earlier, but he's proposed** to the girl now and you're supposed to have the decency to forget these things after such an occurrence, um, occurs].

However, the particular Chuck that I am referring to is a new comedy shown on NBC. Yes, I know, don't get me started again on my current disdain for NBC and yes, I am in fact currently watching this series on iTunes, which as far as I know is still sticking it to the NBC man, and it is very very likely that I'll not get to finish the series until the DVD comes out--which WILL make me full-on "unhappy". But all that aside, if you haven't seen Chuck, you need to. Even you friends of ours who don't own cable service or who are far too popular to stay home at night, you too need to see this show because it is just that great.

Oh, the premise? Uh, it's "the geek gets the girl, if the girl happens to be Sydney from Alias and said girl happens to have plenty of baggage with the aforementioned geek's former best-friend come arch-nemesis". Throw in a superbly cast crew from the local Best Buy-esque store (aptly named the BUY MORE), a fairly perfect domineering male ego type side-kick spy, and a supporting cast of best friends, siblings, boyfriends, bosses, and bad guys, and this show is all the right chemistry in just the right amounts. This show is so brilliant that you have to thank God that it's not on FOX or they'd already be talking of canceling it.


Speaking of Geek: here's another thoroughly entertaining and mostly true geek piece (Click Me), that I Stumbled upon.

*Officially, Chuck (I'm again referring to the best friend here, not the star of the show that shares the namesake; please try to keep up) only has 1 degree in Mechanical Engineering as he is missing but one tiny little should-have-been-done-a-long-long-LONG-time-ago re-write of his senior thesis to complete his already paid for English degree. Not that I'm nagging or anything.

**And yes, I do support him, not just because that's what friends do but because I truly hope he's found the one! So, I told him personally and I'll now tell the world, Chogras, which I believe is French for Congrats***, to both of you!

***Not Really****

****Due homage noted and paid-in-full to Terry Prachet for use of his now famous asterisks laden writing style.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're still about Arrested Development, as are we all my friend. AS ARE WE ALL.

Chuck is an excellent show! One of the best I've seen in a while! And I'm more prone to make fun of shows instead of recommend them (except for AD - see above and Freakazoid - sheer genius), so that's saying something.

Speaking of Chuck - WE WANT HARRY TANG BACK!
