Tuesday, February 05, 2008

My Own Super Tuesday

As a Republican and a conservative, I won't vote for McCain. And I'm not drawn in the least to Romney.

Huckabee is my vote in 2008.


Anonymous said...

It's a late comment and Huckabee is out, but to not vote for McCain is a BAD, BAD idea. To not vote for him is to succumb to Obama-mania! (heaven help us!)

The Troxels said...

Perhaps 4 to 8 years of a Democrat in office is what it will take to get the Republican Party straightened out again.

Let us remember that Democrats are not our enemies, they are our fellow country men, with similar fears, dreams, aspirations, and fellow family members. While you or I might not agree with their specific agend for maintaining the American way of life, having a democrat in office is far better than compromising our Republican ideals with a sub-standard candidate. At the very least we must keep our own path true and not jump on the first short cut that falls across our path.

John McCain is no Republican of mine.

Anonymous said...

I concur that 4 to 8 years may be a good way to straighten out the Republican Party (maybe strengthen is a better verb). It'll give us time to agree on a few things. But considering the grand end-all-be-all solutions that are being promised by the current Democratic candidates, I think it will be very hard to undo the damage. I mean, how do you remove universal health care and whatever nanny-state programs are instituted?

I never said the Democrats are our enemies. But their kumbaya politics are no way to run a country. I'm not very excited about the prospect of McCain being our representation. However, I shudder to think of life with the alternative.

So, are you going to sit this one out?