Sunday, December 04, 2005

It's Begining to Look a Lot Like Christmas!

Everywhere I go...

Which now includeds a return to Washington after a brief stint down in San Diego. I won't go into how frustrating this type of job can be what with all the mix ups and miss communications. Lets just say, I'm glad I'm home.

So, here it is the 3rd of December. That's only 22 more shopping days left for all you slackers out there! ha! Me, I'm sticking by my claims of shopping completion. Now it's going to be all about getting the house paid for and that kind of stuff. No more shopping sprees, that's for sure!

We're going to be assembling our Christmas card list shortly. If you didn't get a Christmas card from us last year, please email or call us so that we can get you on our list.

Other than that, it's been a pretty good lazy Sunday. I'm really ready for Christmas vacation, I'll tell you that. I know I love travelling, but it's the going back to work part that's the heart breaker.

Anyway, I'm gonna get. I just wanted to let you all know that I'm safe and sound back in Washington and that we're doing fine. Miss you all and hope that you're doing well.


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