Monday, May 12, 2008

Where's Underdog When You Need Him?

There are much smarter people than me out there and I'm calling on each and every one of you right now. I am sick and tired of CSS occupying exactly 1/3 of my 17-inch screen on this here Macbook Pro. I mean, What in the heck is going on?!? okay, I guess I should explain a little for the non-uber-geek de magnifique. CSS is a programing style of HTML oh, and if you are the aforementioned Sir Uber-ness, please forgive the very basic and generic explanation of CSS that I'm about to give). Uh hem... as I was saying, CSS is a programing style. It uses HTML, but instead of putting everything in one document, i.e., the content, the format, the coloring, the layout, etc. CSS uses specific instructions in mini-modules that allow the programmer to change one of these variables once and affect all pages. It can be handy and usefull, most of the time.

Sure, I can manually go in and adjust the size of the display on my blog, but what about all the other blogs or CSS websites I visit? Correct me if I'm wrong, but way back when all we had was old fashioned HTML, didn't we code to do screen checks and issue commands to size our pages accordingly?

Engadget has it figured out. You head to that site and no matter what size screen you're on, it fills 2/3rd of the page with content and splits the other 1/3 on the edges. Let me tell you, there's a huge difference splitting 1/3rd of your screen and only using 1/3rd of your screen.

I use both IE and Firefox and the appearance is the same.

Could it be a Macintosh / Apple thing? Any love out there from the fanboys who can help me understand why CSS is so stingy on the screen useage? Any fancy way to stretch the image or inlarge it to fit the screen? To be honest with you, this Google Blogger window I'm typing in is only occupying about 1/4 or less of my screen. I have to blow up the text size to the maximum in order to see what I'm typing, and that still is only in this tiny box.

I have huge wasted space on my screen and Web 2.0 seems to be the culprit. Can't somebody stop this madness! Oh Underdog! Save us!

This is Patrick Norton! He could save us! Where are you Patrick?!?

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