You just don't know how much you appreciate the one you love until you get hit in the face with one of those nasty little situations where there is no solution without your partner. Such was the case today as I was do-2-doing along with nary a concern for the clock. It wasn't until I got to the train station that I realized that my math didn't add up and that if I took the train I would miss my plane. To make matters worse, I had already missed my opportunity to take the bus, which is faster in good traffic because it forgoes connections and transfers. So there I stood, dumbfounded, flabbergasted, panicked even, and I did the only thing that made any sense: I called my hero.
She came to my rescue and gave up her first afternoon of scrap-booking in who knows how long to drive with me to the airport and solo it home, without ever a frown or a wince of regret.
Yeah, that's my woman. Back off, buddy; she's taken!
Hey J-
Here's a link to the blogging article - sorry to do it here but I don't have your email addy at home...
Now thats a Beautiful women!
Isn't it nice to have a Hero be your best friend and wife.
Aunt Patti
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