Monday, January 09, 2006


Well, tonight is the big night for the neighborhood zoning meeting. I'm all a flutter. This isn't the last meeting; I know of at least one more to be held before any final decisions are made, and I wonder if I should wait to opinionate until after I hear the general mood of the people or if I should just stand right up and let'em have it. I know there will be people on both sides of the issue, but how many and with what fervor?

In other news, Lilah and I did our first Sunday School Class with the 4th and 5th Grade boys. It's an interesting challenge because we're not actually teaching for a full class. Unbeknownst to us, we're in the middle of a paradigm shift at Silverdale Baptist: in the very near future these young boys will be apart of their very own Kids' Church. So while we get them for about half an hour, the rest of their time is spent learning how to be "Park Rangers" that monitor the other children attending the "Kids' Church".

Finally, I've updated some of the links over to the right. I added two new blogs that I've taken a liking to: Tequila Mockingbird which is very well written story telling of a woman in Washington DC and the other involves cooking from an Engineer's perspective. No need to say any more, I'm sure.

Take care everyone. Until we blog again.


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