Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Welcome 2 Noah's Ark; now seating parties of 2

Rain rain rain rain rain rain rain rain. I should keep going just to give you an idea of the sheer monotony of the amount of rainfall we've gotten. The ground is just saturated. The ground is melting all over the place taking houses and roads with it in one fell swoop. I'm hoping the city of Bremerton over-designed my retaining wall because the sheer force of the hydro-dam pressure from all this water has got to be astronomical! One crack and the whole wall will go and my house will be in the middle of the road.

Sunday it stopped raining briefly, though I did see just a drop or two on the windshield, but apparently that wasn’t measurable precipitation, so we’re off the record run of consecutive days of rain. None-the-less, come Monday the rain was right back at it and at it and at it and at it…

We did some cleaning this weekend. We, Lilah and I, are officially grounded from all activities until we get a handle on the clutter in our house. Being inclined toward pack-rat-ness, the both of us, we tend to hoard things that we no longer need. I have boxes stacked six feet wide by four feet high in the basement that I’ve never even opened in the two and a half years we’ve been in our house. That’s prime EBay material there! We started our de-cluttering project this weekend by buying some new shelves. (he he he, more stuff, isn’t it ironic?) But these were a great purchase; our old shelves were made with particleboard and were falling apart after only a couple of years. When we bought those old shelves there were like $60 or $70 bucks apiece and they’re only 3 feet wide by 6 feet high, and pure junk. Well, at Costco we found these solid cherry wood shelves that are 7 feet wide by 8 feet tall (guesstimate) with Glass inlay shelves on the top and wood shelves on the bottom with two built in lights… they’re amazing! And they’re CHEAP! Okay, they’re not as cheap as the fiberboard junk, but they’re only a little over twice as much even though they’re easily twice the size and 100 times the quality. Ron Popeil couldn’t give you this good a deal! Seriously, if we were building a library, I’d go and buy like 10 of these because the quality is better than anything you could build for this price point. It’s amazing.

Okay, enough slobber! We also started on the big closet in the living room and made a significant dent in getting rid of the old. Dishes we’re no longer using are going to the Goodwill, stuff we no longer want is either going there or to the dump. It’s a huge cleaning task, but I’m excited about getting rid of all this clutter. That and the house project is going to keep me busy to no end, so if you want to get a hold of me, you’ll know where I am!

Talk to you soon. :j

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