Saturday, September 10, 2005


Yes, I am in Hawaii, again, and again without my wife. This time I will only be here a couple of days and yes this is work related. Those of you who know us will remember that Lilah spent an entire month here in Waikiki when I was here earlier this year on business. So, I do not feel guilty that she is not here, but I do miss her like crazy.

We have met a new friend through church and Lilah's scrapbooking; Wendy. I took an instant liking to Wendy, much the same as I did with Jeff and Charlene Sauby... could be something to do with cute kids. More on Jeff and Char and their two boys as time goes on. By the way, you can visit their blog at:
  • Meet The Sauby's

  • Wendy is a hoot! Jayden her son and Kassey her daughter both came to dinner with Wendy on Labor Day. I grilled, which of course means dinner was late. But, everyone seemed to have a good time and it was very nice to have Lilah interacting with a peer. I'm sure you'll be hearing more about these new friends, too.

    Anway, the point about mentioning that Lilah isn't here in Hawaii answers the unasked question of why I'm indoors typing on a horrendously annoying WebTV keyboard: I miss her and nothing about Hawaii is at all fun without her by my side.

    Speaking of Sappy: I had a chance to watch the pilot of Amy Grant's new show, 'Three Wishes', on the flight over. Let's just say that my eyes weren't red and puffy from a lack of sleep--That is one show going on the Tivo schedule. Thankfully the cast plays a very modest part and lets these heart-wrenching stories dictate the plot. There was a bit of Hollywood majic to fit everything into the 1-hour schedule, but nothing so distracting as to overpower the show's charm.

    Okay, I guess I'll drag myself out to the beach if I must.


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