Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Fishing and Hunting Trip

So my buddy Charles and I went on a fishing and hunting trip here in washington. We were after Goose, as it is my goal to get a honker for Christams this year. But, knowing that it's early in the season and knowing that I've never hunted in Washington before, we also brought fishing poles. And a good thing too.

For starters, we didn't see a goose or hear a goose until the morning we were leaving. Smart Geese. But the fish didn't have much to fear either. I was lucky enough to get two King Salmon on the line when we were fishing on the Skokomish river, but the Kings were lucky enough to get off the line before i got them onto the shore. Smart Fish.

Charles and I stayed over at Potlatch park the first night. Here's a pic of our camp:
, which is a good campsite and I recommend it for a no-reservation campsite.

Here's my buddy Charles holding the only fish that was caught on our 4 day 3 night trip:

Like I said, the fish didn't have much to worry about either. I have a ton more photos, but I'm heading to Hawaii for about 10 days business, so you'll have to come back and check again later.

Love my peeps! :j

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